United Airlines Captain Branding Session

October 22, 2022


Kevin Girard has been a pilot for United Airlines for over 33 years. To commemorate his incredible achievements in the industry, he asked us to capture photos that would not only reflect this farewell, but also mark the beginning of a new chapter.
To commemorate his incredible achievements in the industry, he asked us to capture photos that would not only reflect this farewell, but also mark the beginning of a new chapter.

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We'd love to connect with you and hear ALL about your personal or business brand and share how we can serve you in a way that gets you SEEN by your ideal clients in a STRESS-FREE and fun experience.

let's change that.

Hey!  Are you ready to enhance your brand, but not sure where to start? 

30 Prompts to an Amazing Shot List

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Planning what photos and video's you need for your business can be overwhelming. We'd love to help! Fill out this form and we'll EMAIL you our FREE Guide.


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